Kamis, 15 Januari 2009

blog yach?

Terlalu banyak yach,, pusing dan membingungkan,,

Waktu smu dulu punya 1 page [just one page]
cool banget di http://xhin.cjb.net

tapi HILANG huaaaa.. x[

lalu ku beranjak kuliah hiks,, sibuk,,and baru deh muncul and finally i have :

1. Friendster,
add me @ chintyapdh@hotmail.com and chintyapdh@yahoo.co.uk
2. Facebook,
add me @ chintyapdh@hotmail.com
3. blogspot yach? ada 2 ,
xhin.blogspot.com >> drama of the age ini maunya ttg drama di hidup gw :P
expansivesoil.blogspot.com >> hehe iseng, mau coba2 yg dibilang googling adsense ituuwh tu haha
4. wordpress,, enak tampilan tulisanna,,
5. http://chintyapdh.blog.friendster.com/ >> ni nii yg ori dari awal,, hehe..
6. Benernya more yg lain2 such as :
linked, hi5, duhh banyak banget lupa malah accnya,,
but i think myspace kaenya cool juga tuwh,,
kae bcl ma ashraff yg maenan myspace he he he...

begitulah friends,, hihihihi x]

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008

My Name is Chintya

My name is Chintya ^^v

This is the result of my analyzer name FOR today!!

It’s means “Perumahan” :P

Always dear.. :D

dunno ?:o

might b, I’m too open to believe the person.. even I know that not all of everyperson can be trusted!

I wish :)

dunno ?:o

Of Course! :D

muach* \:D/

Senin, 13 Oktober 2008



Hallo semua temen-temen..
Ni blog tadinya mw cin buat ttg expansive soil! hehe jadi inget penelitian buat skripsiku dulu..
Tapi.. blum jadi-